Britt, R. K., Britt, B. C., Panek, E., & Lee, J. (2023). Communication expressed on the COVID-19 subreddit in the midst of a global pandemic. Health Communication, 38(6), 1157-1167. Link


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Hoewe, J., Panek, E., Peacock, C., Sherrill, L., & Wheeler, S. (2022). Using Moral Foundations to Assess Stereotypes: Americans’ Perceptions of Immigrants and Refugees. Journal of Immigrant & Refugee Studies, 20(4), 501-518. Link


Peacock, C., Hoewe, J., Panek, E., & Willis, G. P. (2021). Hyperpartisan news use: Relationships with partisanship and cognitive and affective involvement. Mass Communication and Society, 24(2), 210-232. Link


Britt, B., Britt, R., Hayes, J., Panek, E., Maddox, J., Musaev, A. (2020). Oral healthcare implications of dedicated online communities: A computational content analysis of the r/Dentistry subreddit. Health Communication. Link

Hou, J., Yang, X., & Panek, E. (2020). How about Playing Games as a Career?: The Evolution of Esport in the Eyes of Mainstream Media and Public Relations. International Journal of Sport Communication. Link


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Panek, E. (2014). Evidence for the effects of parental mediation and childhood media use on US college students' social media use. Journal of Children and Media, 8(2), 127-145.

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Panek, E. (2006). The poet and the detective: Defining the psychological puzzle film. Film Criticism, 31(1/2), 62. pdf